Fighting for Justice Since 1845
What about women?
As the nation's first organization for systems-involved women, WPA has invented the nation’s most innovative programs, been at the forefront of groundbreaking advocacy efforts, and promoted forward-thinking strategies that always ask, “what about women?” As the need for WPA remains and even grows, we are steadfast in our commitment to empower women as they redefine their lives in the face of injustice and incarceration.
2020 marked WPA's 175th Anniversary
In 1845, an abolitionist named Abby Hopper Gibbons saw how incarcerated women were mistreated and created WPA to do something about it. For nearly two centuries we have fought alongside women who have been marginalized by violence, poverty, racial bias, and systems of oppression.
2020 marked WPA’s 175th anniversary. A tremendous milestone, but also a reminder of the long history of injustice in this country.